Thursday, January 27, 2011

Family, Friends & Other Fine Things

Flowers - Green Mums

Felines - River

Frank with his Favorite Dessert - Nana Pudding

Fried Chicken with all the Fixin's

A mural of a Farm scene

Family - Althea's 2nd birthday

Friends - Janet & Brad and Goofy too!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Weird Encounters As I Travel Along

I don't know many weird things about my area... I know a few ghosts stories but will save for another time. I have seen some strange things in my travels around the U.S. and Canada including a "almost Moose"....

After several weeks in Maine and 3 days traveling in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and PEI, my daughter Becki and I were on our way back to Maine... it was late, it was dark and there was not a house or light in sight... suddenly I heard Becki ask "Did you see that animal back in the ditch?"

NO, was it dead? I asked. "No it was eating grass" she replied.
What did it look like? I asked... "Sorta like a horse" she replied.

It's a Moose I screamed and looked for the first turn around.... We drove back, excited, high on the thought of finally seeing a Moose and there it was... a Shetland Pony hobbled along the roadside!

A photo of one of the weirdest things I've ever seen for sale.....

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day

Walking in a winter wonderland is not all the song promises... it can be very, very tricky; as I made my way around the yard checking things out and taking a few shots slipping and sliding all the way I wondered why in the world I was outside.

We had promises of snow or snow/sleet but as I got up for the 3rd time last night to check things out I quickly realized that while others were being blanketed with that beautiful, fluffy, white stuff (snow) we were being blitzed by a giant snow cone machine. Seriously, I could have made a dozen or more from the ice that was in my bird bath had it been clean...

As the day wore on the sun came out and of course it started turning into slush and then, yep the temperature dropped, the sun went away and it all froze over... so now we have a sheet of ice for a front yard!

Any way, I hope most of you faired better... or as well as we have... Becki just put the kettle one and we're gonna have a cuppa wonderful hot cocoa or flavored coffee to go with some leftover homemade donuts or cookies.