Saturday, March 6, 2010

Parsley, Sage Rosemary & Thyme... Oh and Lupines!

We've been busy as bees around here today; first cleaning out the fridge then scrubbing it down... then a picnic until the sun moved and we rushed inside to get warm! Then finally as Frank worked on building me a small closet I got out my seeds and planting trays and went to work... I went gaga this year with the seed catalog and have many more seeds than I'll ever plant but I can't wait to see what all will make it...

Of course I planted herbs, the usuals like Parsley and Oregano but a few new ones for me like English Thyme and Lemon Grass. I also ordered some new flower seeds as well like Evening Primrose that used to grow all over Alabama when I was a little girl and some Lupines and Texa Bluebonnets... I fell in love with Lupines while in Maine years ago and the variety I planted are suppose to love the heat so we'll see.

I also planted some old garden favorites like Cleome (which I love), Queen Annes Lace and something called Love in a mist.... Stay tuned and I'll keep you updated with words and photos.

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